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Thought Lab - Ways Of Thinking

I loved this lesson.

Exploring Different Ways of Thinking

We were shown a presentation of different ways designers visualise their thought process. I appreciated that Laura talked about Heatherwick as well, since my thought object revolves around his work, talking about his madman character was quite funny yet talk of the thinking he implements and studio work ethic gave more insight about my book. By the end of the presentation I had a lot of information running through my head, and we were given the task to visually express our own thought process behind the last project we did.

My Task

Its difficult visualising how my own mind works so initially I just didn't know what to do. I started by listing recent projects I did and mind mapping the processes that went into them, essentially blurting anything that came to my mind. But I felt overwhelmed by all the writing and didn't want to think for a bit so I randomly started scribbling circles and lines.

Circle after circle the pen was aimlessly spiralling like my mind, until the spirals took form of orbs. I chose to represent these orbs as different states of mind when I create an art project, using lines to connect them together symbolically. Then it began to look like a tree and everything clicked.

Tree Of Thought

Trees are almost like minds or states of minds. No tree in existence is the same as another tree, each one is unique, in how they are nurtured, thus in how they grow. They're resilient yet sensitive. I believe they have souls of their own. Which is why trees are a beautiful metaphor for the mind.

My way of thinking usually begin with the roots; roots are messy and confused, thoughts intertwining and jumbled up, intentions going in every direction. It represents the early stage where I feel lost or overstimulated with ideas, but this chaos is necessary for art. The seed is a catalyst, where my ideas click and I am confident in my ability. I'm in my own world ( as depicted with the silhouette within ), I see limitless possibilities, feel passion and joy in creating and I aspire towards a vision for my project. The colourful leaves represent the individual pieces of art produced - drawings, paintings, everything. Branches show practical stages in my process such as research, ideation with drawing, experimenting with mediums, applying skills to ideas, big outcomes.

Yet the great thing about trees is that they're unpredictable by nature, its branches can grow in any order or direction, and trees themselves never stop growing. So If I truly desire, I could expand my project forever.

It was really interesting to see how different everybody was and to just see them explain the gist of how their minds work, considering I barely know them; someone even re -envisioned their thinking process as an entire fantasy game map with so much detail and a sea monster in the corner, which is incredible.

Today I think I've learned a life skill. I feel more composed visualising my thoughts in a spiritual way, rather than an amorphous blob of nothing. Its good that our teachers are implementing these themes/methods into our course early on.

PS; My 3d scan turned out horrifically.

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