Welcome to the beginning of my creative journey.
Meeting the Course
In the first lesson we all introduced ourselves, and our tutors - Laura and Sarah - discussed the details of the course, such as the modules, lesson plan and all the potentials our future holds. Starting with the Thought Lab.
What is the Thought Lab?
Thought Lab is a module focused on helping you become a better thinker and more self-aware while fostering a sense of belonging in a community. Laura mentioned engaging in group discussions and I was happy when she spoke of exploring creative ways of thinking, improving communication skills (both spoken and written), since thats something I need to grow more confident in again. This module will provide us insight into different perspectives, cultures and philosophies centred around design, things I have not considered, so I am positive that will help me become a more well-rounded learner.
Our Thought Object
Lara emphasised the importance of 'thought objects' in our artistic endeavours, as she explained them as a source of inspiration, a catalyst for our creativity. Each of us was randomly assigned one such object to spark our initial ideas and reflections, mine is 'Making' by Thomas Heatherwick; a book which delves into the creative and manufacturing processes of 140 design projects, which I already find quite interesting. Despite it being the biggest, the thickest and the heaviest object out of my classmates, I'm happy with it.
Coding with p5.js
After given our object Sarah gave us a coding session, a realm seemingly distant from traditional art and design. We used p5.js, a JavaScript library merging coding and artistry, starting with basics. I quickly grasped that code possessed artistic potential like a paintbrush on canvas as she was demonstrating different functions effect; it then hit me that this is the sort of stuff that goes into softwares like Procreate. Literally any digital tool for creation starts off as mere code, and every digital piece I made on my ipad is essentially code, translated into detailed visual art through countless functions. The digital piece I ended up with that lesson was honestly terrible I hated it, but its a start I guess.
Closing Thoughts
I left the room thinking I don't know what to expect from this course, which is good.