I'm usually a bit 'iffy' when it comes to AI imagery, but when my sister showed me a some things she made I was interested in creating some of my own, just to realistically show what kind of world we are imagining.
I made these my sister helped me understand how to use the sofware and utilise prompts and left the rest of it to me. Using these photogtraphs of the city and specific prompts I wrote, I made all kinds of different worlds. I ts strange how the first few were almost exactly how I envisioned the city to look like when I was making it with screws.
To be honest I only liked a very few of these because most of them did not understand the promnts or what I was actually envisioning, however they are beautiful nevertheless from a design perspective. Its interesting how it fused elements of my drawings too with the coral headresses thick locks of hair. Also It seems AI really struggles to understand ' happy, and ' peacefuul' in an alien setting.