We had a sit down as a group to rethink our idea. Over the weekend we realised that the Polycam idea was completely unrealistic and rather boring. We did not have enough understanding of all the sofwares required, even our tutor Sarah who worked on loads of projects, stuggled to figure out how put it all together and make our idea functional when we discussed it with her today.
So all of us struggled for a while trying to think of another idea that would connect our digital objects, within an hour we literally agreed then abandoned multiple ideas. We had to step back and realised that we were looking at our objects in a literal sense in isolation from the other labs. The same way that Thought Lab can compliment Material Lab, the same can be done with Digital lab, we can fuse themes from all whether practically or thematically.
I reminded myself what Thought Lab means to us in the project - 'the detirmination to create a better world'. So instead of creating two seperate undelevoped ideas, we decided to develop the one idea - the city and make it stronger. All our authors have an story behind our work, therefore we decided to create a story or narrative for our work. Mixamo is all about bringing characters to life, both VR and Polycam involves 360 vision and immersing yourself in another world, and Coding Train is centered on documentation and education. Unlike our previous Polycam idea this is something we can have fun with for theres infinite possibilities; people, architecture, fashion, culture, so much. I didnt expect us to be story telling and character making but I wait to see where this path will take us.

Characters I made during our discussion.
On a side note I wanted to recreate the arduino experiment from a few lesson back to help my friend with their final art piece.