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Character Creation

Creating these characters was very motivating since for once something I am very passionate about is actually benefiting my others (my group). I began looking towards online references of sea creatures, artist work and ethnic groups for inspiration.


Phenotypes: Flat nose bridges, high ckeekbones and wide set epicanthic eyes are prominent features across indiginous/ancient populations across the globe originating in Africa with the earliest human population (such as the Khoi San), whether it be Europe, Aisa or Latin America. That is why there is a repetitive trope of these facial features amongst most of my character designs to somewhat represent these people visually while also creating that etherial apperance. Experimenting with gill placements upon looking at fish was also fun.

Fashion: I wanted deter from current human social constructs of what it means to be a sophisicated and advanced society. Theres a common misconception that cultures who wear less clothing are more "primitive" and "uncivillised" compared to urbanised society, when in actuality its seems to be the other way around. These cultures embrace nudity and adorn themselves with natures colors, hence why my characters do the same. They are more technologically advanced than humanity yet lack human constructs hence wear minimal clothing. Since their surroundings are abundant in coral they wear lots of coral designs reflecting that. Also I might be a bit lazy when it comes to draing clothes.

I made all these last night

I'll keep making these till January.

© 2023 Blog by Serrell Tafari

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